Modeling of molecular diffusion and thermal conduction with multi-particle interaction in compressible turbulence

Y. Tai, T. Watanabe, K. Nagata
Modeling of molecular diffusion and thermal conduction with multi-particle interaction in compressible turbulence
Physics of Fluids 30(3) 035108 2018

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A mixing volume model (MVM) originally proposed for molecular diffusion in incompressible flows is extended as a model for molecular diffusion and thermal conduction in compressible turbulence. The model, established for implementation in Lagrangian simulations, is based on the interactions among spatially distributed notional particles within a finite volume. The MVM is tested with the direct numerical simulation of compressible planar jets with the jet Mach number ranging from 0.6 to 2.6. The MVM well predicts molecular diffusion and thermal conduction for a wide range of the size of mixing volume and the number of mixing particles. In the transitional region of the jet, where the scalar field exhibits a sharp jump at the edge of the shear layer, a smaller mixing volume is required for an accurate prediction of mean effects of molecular diffusion. The mixing time scale in the model is defined as the time scale of diffusive effects at a length scale of the mixing volume. The mixing time scale is well correlated for passive scalar and temperature. Probability density functions of the mixing time scale are similar for molecular diffusion and thermal conduction when the mixing volume is larger than a dissipative scale because the mixing time scale at small scales is easily affected by different distributions of intermittent small-scale structures between passive scalar and temperature. The MVM with an assumption of equal mixing time scales for molecular diffusion and thermal conduction is useful in the modeling of the thermal conduction when the modeling of the dissipation rate of temperature fluctuations is difficult.

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