Simultaneous measurements of reactive scalar and velocity in a planar liquid jet with a second-order chemical reaction

T. Watanabe, Y. Sakai, K. Nagata, O. Terashima, T. Kubo
Simultaneous measurements of reactive scalar and velocity in a planar liquid jet with a second-order chemical reaction
Experiments in Fluids 53 1369-1383 2012

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This paper presents a new experimental approach for simultaneous measurements of velocity and concentration in a turbulent liquid flow with a chemical reaction. For the simultaneous measurements, we developed a combined probe consisting of an I-type hot-film probe and an optical fiber probe based on the light absorption spectrometric method. In a turbulent planar liquid jet with a second-order chemical reaction A+B->R, streamwise velocity and concentrations of all reactive species are measured by the combined probe. The turbulent mass fluxes of the reactive species are estimated from the simultaneous measurements. The results show that the influence of the chemical reaction on the turbulent mass flux of the reactant species near the jet exit is different from its influence in other regions, and the turbulent mass flux of the product species has a negative value near the jet exit and a positive value in other regions.

日本語訳 (DeepL翻訳)


本論文では、化学反応を伴う乱流液体流の速度と濃度の同時計測のための新しい実験手法を紹介する。同時計測のために,光吸収分光法に基づくI型ホットフィルムプローブと光ファイバープローブを組み合わせた複合プローブを開発した.2次化学反応 A+B->R を伴う乱流平面液体ジェットにおいて、複合プローブにより、すべての反応種の流速と濃度を測定した。また,乱流中の活性種の質量フラックスを同時計測から推定した.その結果、化学反応が噴流出口付近の反応種の乱流質量流束に与える影響は他の領域と異なり、生成種の乱流質量流束は噴流出口付近で負の値を持ち、他の領域で正の値を持つことがわかった。