Turbulent mixing of passive scalar near turbulent and non-turbulent interface in mixing layers
T. Watanabe, Y. Sakai, K. Nagata, Y. Ito, T. Hayase
Turbulent mixing of passive scalar near turbulent and non-turbulent interface in mixing layers
Physics of Fluids 27 085109 2015
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A direct numerical simulation of a temporally developing mixing layer with a passive scalar transport is performed for various Schmidt numbers (Sc = 0.25, 1, 4, and 8). Turbulent mixing is investigated near the turbulent/non-turbulent interface (TNTI), which is a layer consisting of the turbulent sublayer (TSL) and viscous superlayer (VSL). The irrotational boundary, which is close to the outer edge of the TNTI layer, is detected as the isosurface of small vorticity magnitude. The movement of fluid elements relative to the irrotational boundary movement is analyzed. Once the non-turbulent fluid is entrained into the VSL across the irrotational boundary by the viscous diffusion of vorticity, the fluid moves away from the irrotational boundary in the VSL in the normal direction of the irrotational boundary. After the fluid reaches the TSL, it is transported in the tangential direction of the irrotational boundary and is mixed with the fluid coming from the turbulent core (TC) region. The boundary between the TSL and VSL roughly separates the region (VSL) mostly consisting of the fluid entrained from the non-turbulent flow from the region (TSL) where the fluids from both the TC and non-turbulent regions coexist. Therefore, the scalar value in the VSL is close to the non-turbulent value especially for high Sc cases. Because of a large difference in the scalar between the TSL and VSL, a peak value of the conditional mean scalar dissipation rate appears near the boundary between the TSL and VSL independently of Sc.
日本語訳 (DeepL翻訳)
パッシブスカラー輸送を伴う時間発展混合層の直接数値シミュレーションを様々なシュミット数(Sc = 0.25, 1, 4, 8)に対して実施した。乱流混合は、乱流下層(TSL)と粘性超層(VSL)からなる乱流/非乱流界面(TNTI)付近で調査される。TNTI層の外縁に近いirrotational boundaryは、渦度の大きさが小さい等値面として検出される。このirrotational boundary運動と相対する流体要素の運動が解析される。非乱流の流体が渦度の粘性拡散によってirrotational boundaryを越えてVSLに巻き込まれると、流体はVSL内でirrotational boundaryの法線方向に遠ざかるように移動する。TSL に到達した流体は回転境界の接線方向に輸送され,乱流コア (TC) 領域から運ばれてくる流体と混合される.TSL と VSL の境界は,非乱流から巻き込まれた流体が大部分を占める領域 (VSL) と,TC と非乱流の両方の流体が混在する領域 (TSL) に大別される.そのため,VSL のスカラー値は,特に高 Sc の場合,非乱流の値に近くなる.TSL と VSL のスカラー差が大きいため,条件付き平均スカラー散逸率は Sc によらず TSL と VSL の境界付近にピークが現れる.