Unsteady dissipation scaling in static and active grid turbulence
Y. Zheng, K. Nakamura, K. Nagata, and T. Watanabe
Unsteady dissipation scaling in static- and active-grid turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 956 A20 2022
This article may be found at https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.937.
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A new time-dependent analysis of the global and local fluctuating velocity signals in grid turbulence is conducted to assess the scaling laws for non-equilibrium turbulence. Experimental datasets of static- and active-grid turbulence with different Rossby numbers Ro(=U/ΩM: U is the mean velocity, Ω is the mean rotation rate and M is the grid mesh size) are considered. Although the global (long-time-averaged) non-dimensional dissipation rate Cε is independent of the Reynolds number Reλ based on the global Taylor microscale, the local (short-time-averaged) non-dimensional dissipation rate ⟨Cε(ti)⟩ (ti is the local time) both in the static- and active-grid turbulence clearly show the non-equilibrium scaling ⟨Cε(ti)⟩/(Re0)^0.5∝⟨Reλ(ti)⟩^−1 (⟨Reλ(ti)⟩ and Re0 are the Reynolds numbers based on the local Taylor microscale λ(ti) and the global integral length scale, respectively), which has only been confirmed for global statistics in the near field of grid turbulence. The local value of ⟨L(ti)/λ(ti)⟩ (L(ti) is the local integral length scale) shifts from the equilibrium to non-equilibrium scaling as ⟨Reλ(ti)⟩ increases, further confirming that the non-equilibrium scalings are recovered for local statistics both in the static- and active-grid turbulence. The local values of ⟨Cε(ti)⟩ and ⟨L(ti)/λ(ti)⟩ follow the theoretical predictions for global statistics (Bos & Rubinstein, Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 2, 2017, 022601).
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